Dr. Lu's Studio 盧博設計工坊
Combination with Eco-Art-Tech
✓Interior design that combines art and ecology
•Research has found that long-term exposure to green plants can extend the average life span by 2.5 years.
•Studies have found that when a person looks at beautiful art, it triggers dopamine into the brain.
•Incorporate ecology and art into interior design to benefit the mind and body.

A study published in [Science Advances] found that if you are exposed to green plants for a long time, the average life span may be extended by 2.5 years.
A study by Professor Semir Zeki, a neurobiologist at the University of London, found that when a person looks at artwork that they find beautiful, dopamine is triggered and released into the brain.
Dr. Hung-Chih Lu integrates artistic creation and landscape ecology into indoor spaces, allowing art and ecology to penetrate into daily life.
Generally, indoor spaces are combined with ecology, especially on high floors, in the form of potted plants, while art is arranged in the form of hanging paintings or ornaments. However, this form is discrete and cannot form an integral whole with the indoor space.
What Dr. Hung-Chih Lu uses is to turn the entire space into an artistic creation, combining the outdoor ecological landscape with the indoor space design to turn it into an indoor ecological space, especially this is on a high floor, not the first floor, because the first floor is under the floor. With land available, it is easy to create trees with deep roots, divert rivers to form waterfalls, and create rockery and water landscaping, but this method cannot be moved to high floors.
一篇刊登於[Science Advances]的研究發現,如果長期接觸綠色植物,平均壽命可能延長2.5年。
倫敦大學神經生物學家Semir Zeki教授的研究發現,當一個人在觀看他們覺得美麗的藝術品時,會觸發多巴胺並釋放到大腦中。
盧鴻智博士所採用的是將整個空間變成一個藝術創作,將戶外的生態景觀結合室內的空間設計,變成室內生態空間,尤其這是在高樓層,而非一樓,因為一樓地板下 有土地可供使用,樹根再深的樹、引河流成瀑布與假山假水造景都很容易,但這種方式無法搬到高樓層上。

The ceiling is used as a canvas, where artwork is painted onto it. Ceiling murals require looking upward, making the composition more concise to simplify the painting process. Even so, the ceiling is divided into 4x8=32 sections, each outlined with charcoal before painting. The left image in Image 2 combines the imagery of whales and rivers in an abstract art style, representing the "Ecological Rhythm," while the right image adopts a paper-cutting art style to portray "Cirrus Clouds and Blue Skies."
以天花板為畫布,將畫作粉刷到天花板上,因為天花板彩繪需仰頭,繪製難度高,因此構圖須盡量精簡,即使如此,還是需要分成4x8=32個區塊,每個區塊一一用炭 筆畫線稿,完成整體線稿後,再分區粉刷;圖左是將鯨魚與河流的意象,以抽象藝術方式結合,來體現[生態律動],圖右是採用剪紙藝術的風格來呈現[雲卷 藍天]。