Dr. Lu's Studio 盧博設計工坊
Combination with Eco-Art-Tech
Dr. Hung-Chih Lu , who has long insisted on creating public welfare in eco-friendly technologies and arts, is best at using colored solar curtainwall unit as pigments, expressing with installation art, and combining urban architecture, making the solar power stations, super-giant installation art, and low-carbon buildings integrated into one piece. Let the city present a beautiful eco-friendly.
Dr. Hung-Chih Lu’s latest creation: [The ECO Sublimation], as shown in Figure 1, integrates the installation art of leaf collection box image into the main body of the building. As shown in Figure 2, it symbolizes the importance of ecology. The front of the leaf collection box is painted with an abstract painting [Sublimation], a goldfish gradually transforms into clouds and smoke, thereby obtaining liberation and freedom. The side of the leaf collection box is composed of colored solar curtainwall unit. The image of rainbow spectrum, another side of the leaf collection box is composed of black and brass-colored solar curtainwall unit. The image of ancient bronze coins means that gentlemen live smart but follow the rules. The overall image presented represents the sublimation of ecology.
盧鴻智最新完成的力作: [The ECO Sublimation],如圖一所示,建築主體融合了樹葉收集盒意象的裝置藝術,如圖二所示,象徵重視生態,樹葉收集盒的正面彩繪了抽象畫[昇華],一尾金魚逐漸轉化成雲煙,從而得到解脫與自在,樹葉收集盒的側面是由彩色太陽能光伏構成的彩虹光譜意象,樹葉收集盒的另面是由黑色與黃銅色的太陽能光伏構成的古銅錢意象,意喻君子處世外圓而內方,整體呈現的意象是代表生態的昇華。

The overall creation is presented in a short video:
Dr. Hung-Chih Lu’s latest public welfare invention: Urban planning of "A layout method of ecological detention basins in the shape of big tree"
盧鴻智博士最新的公益發明: "生態滯洪池大樹佈局法"的城市規劃
Dr. Hung-Chih Lu took Taipei 101 as his subject matter and used Google Earth's 3D aerial photography as the basis for his creation. He developed a city planning method that he named the "Eco-Retention Pond Big Tree Layout Method." This method uses the shape of a tree as the overall layout of the city. The ecological retention ponds scattered throughout the city are like the leaves of a tree, the drainage pipes connected to them are like the branches of a tree, and the confluence pipes that collect these drainage pipes are like the branches of a tree. The trunk of the tree, and the river or artificial canal that finally converges is like the trunk of the tree, and the sea that flows into is like the roots and soil of the tree. Figure 1 shows a digital twin of the Taipei 101 surrounding area that has been transformed using the Eco-Retention Pond Big Tree Layout Method.
In appropriate areas, large and small ecological retention ponds are dotted around the city. By carefully using the gates at each interface, the water level can be effectively regulated and managed. In the event of sea level rise, the gates at all interfaces can be closed to effectively lower the sea level within the city, reducing the risk of seawater backflow. In the event of an extreme climate rainstorm, the gates at all interfaces can be opened to effectively discharge rainstorm floods, preventing the city's drainage system from becoming overloaded and reducing the extent and severity of urban flooding.
Building ecological retention ponds that take into account ecology has many positive impacts on modern cities. Figure 2 shows a digital twin of a city that has been created using this method. The city is full of green space and has a rich ecology. The buildings in the city are made of steel and have walls made of recyclable materials, such as curtain glass, solar curtain walls, metal walls, marble-like walls, and wood-like walls. The ecological retention ponds are maintained and managed by dedicated personnel every day to ensure that they are kept in good condition.
盧鴻智博士以首善之區台北101周邊區域為題材,如圖一所示,採用Google Earth的3D空照為基礎,進行創作,一種他命名為:[生態滯洪池大樹布局法]的城市規劃,以大樹形狀做整體布局;遍布在城市裡的生態滯洪池如同大樹的葉片,與之相連的排水暗管如同大樹的分支,而匯集這些排水暗管的匯流管如同大樹的支幹,最後匯集的大河流或人工運河如同大樹的樹幹,流入的大海如同樹根與土壤。